
Rhizomatic Learning – A Practical View – Starts April 15th

The first time I designed a course I got this funny feeling that I didn’t know what was going on. Like somewhere there was a manual to creating a learning experience that I had missed. Like the joke was on me somehow. Who was I to decide what was the ‘correct’ content that someone should ‘know’? How could I decide how to measure the quality of work of people I had never met before? Where was this ‘standard’ that I could honestly and confidently refer to that would make my courses make sense?

Rhizomatic learning is a story for learning that starts from the idea that this standard doesn’t exist. It posits a learning experience where the curriculum of the course is the people that are in it. Given access to an abundance of content, how can we design a learning experience that celebrates complexity and creativity, rather than an artificial standard of knowing? A course experience where each student is encouraged to map their own learning?

This open course will tackle the practical realities of teaching this way. The participants of this course will be the curriculum.

If you interested in being part of #rhizo15… the only ‘signing up’ that you might want to do is to join the mailing list.
